Released January 2022
Each of Torchwood’s original cast has been instrumental in the continuing vitality of the franchise within Big Finish’s audio offerings, but it’s difficult to argue against the fact that Tom Price as beloved everyman Andy Davidson may just be the most integral of the lot as he seamlessly allies with different members of the furtive organization- including from times not his own- and brings his own strong morality and innocence to the ever more mysterious world before him. In David Llewellyn’s ‘Cadoc Point,’ Andy is alone, investigating his old art teacher who has drawn the suspicion of local authorities following the disappearances of three of his former pupils.
From the start, it’s clear that ‘Cadoc Point’ will be a more introspective tale than usual as Andy uses his friendly demeanour and past history with Merlin William to get this man to begin opening up about his life. His former teacher is all too understanding about why he has drawn suspicion given his association with the former students who showed generational artistic promise. He is a man described as a confirmed bachelor, and the openness with which he recounts his history of relationships with artists and others who could fuel his own artistic fire as he traveled and studied art from throughout history paints the picture of a kind and open man at heart, albeit a man who clearly knows more about the recent disappearances than he has let on to anyone to this point.
In essence, ‘Cadoc Point’ is Torchwood without Torchwood. There is no vast repository of knowledge that Andy can fall back on for information and no advanced technology or weaponry he can use to his advantage; instead, he has only his own insatiable curiosity and willingness to ask questions to guide him deeper into the mystery of the chapel at Cadoc Point that, despite not existing, has appeared in the final paintings of each of the students that has gone missing. Along the way, listeners are introduced to Andy’s childhood friend, Darren Jenkins, a man who used to visit Cadoc Point with Merl and survived a similar fate as his peers he believes because of his own violent act towards a painting showing that locale. This dovetails into a rather poignant exploration of mental health in everyday life, and the relationship that Aled Pugh and Hazel Ellerby showcase perfectly encapsulates the nuances of this struggle in the brief time allotted to add an incredible extra layering to this story that is already so very intimate.
Although Torchwood has occasionally explored the genuine darkness of humanity without any sort of extraterrestrial element or influence, the inclusion of a mysterious being that acts as a Siren of sorts perfectly fits into the repeated sentiments of loneliness and persistence and expertly gives extra prominence to the physical memories of Merlin’s life while paying off the history within Darren’s own story. Not explicitly revealing the entire identity and details of this creature is likewise fitting given Torchwood proper is not involved and because of how open to interpretation art itself always is. Instead, ‘Cadoc Point’ is a beautiful exploration of so many elements of the human condition, and Tom Price and Gareth Armstrong are wonderful alongside each other as the struggles of so many are laid so bare. This is not the type of story that Torchwood should attempt to replicate too often, but it highlights just how dramatic the range of stories even within the darker and often brasher stylings of this series can explore to magnificent effect.
- Release Date: 1/2022
- Directed by: Lisa Bowerman
- Written by: David Llewellyn
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